Thank you for booking with me. If the time or day you prefer is not available (particularly same-day), please contact me directly.

Please note: I will be away from Monday April 28 - Wednesday May 14 2025

Important location information:

GRIT Athletics is located at 53 Laird Drive. Parking behind the unit is limited - other options include Canvarco Road, Kenrae Road, or the Longo’s plaza.

We don’t have a waiting area so please arrive at your appointment time or 5 min before.

As well, GRIT Athletics is a shared performance gym. This means your session, while often private, can overlap with small group training or batting practice. I try my absolute best to schedule around it but sometimes it can’t be avoided. If you are sensitive to noise, please let me know.

Lastly, I have a semi-private treatment area in the gym but not a closed room. Your comfort is of utmost importance to me so please let me know if you have any concerns.

New clients: Please ensure that the consent and intake forms are completed before your visit.


With over 13 years of experience in Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy, Kat bridges the gap between traditional Physio and Sports Performance. Her approach emphasizes movement, mastering the fundamentals, and developing resiliency.

Kat has completed extensive continuing education and holds certifications in Orthopaedics, Manual Therapy, Acupuncture, and Strength and Conditioning.

With diverse experience in post-surgical rehabilitation, her primary interests are the overhead athlete and shoulder pathology, ACL reconstruction, hip arthroscopy, and Return to Sport rehab and testing. She works with athletes of all ages and backgrounds.

With over 13 years of experience in Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy, Kat bridges th... Read More

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Located at: 53 Laird Dr, Toronto
Directions & Map |